Category: Word of the Day



Word of the Day OSTENSIBLY (adverb) : as it seems or is claimed, but not necessarily the reality ; Seemingly or Apparently. Synonyms- Allegedly, Supposedly , Evidently, Superficially Antonyms- Actually , Truly, Undeniably ,...

dawdle 0


DAWDLE(verb) : Waste time or to move slowly and idly , Often delaying something that should be done promptly. Synonyms- loiter , Procrastinate , linger , Stall Antonyms- Hasten , Hurry , Rush ,...

Word of the Day - PERSPICACIOUS 1 0

Word of the Day – PERSPICACIOUS

PERSPICACIOUS(adjective): Being able to grasp and understand difficult or obscure concepts. Synonyms- Alert, Aware, Insightful, Discerning, Astute, Sharp-witted, Clever, Acute Antonyms- Ignorant, Unobservant, Oblivious, Dense, Obtuse, Inattentive, Dull-witted Sentence usage – The Perspicacious student...

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