install and configure ansible on centos 7

Install and configure ansible on centos 7

What is Ansible?

  1. Ansible is an Automation tool. It used to configure systems, deploy softwares and it also provides zero downtime rolling updates.
  2. Ansible was designed to make simple and ease to use. And also focused on security and reliability. Ansible uses an SSH connection for transport.
  3. Ansible ease, simplify the work of all users such as developers, sysadmin, and release engineers etc.
  4. It can be used to handle all type of environment from small to very large enterprises.
  5. It can easily be connected with Kerberos, LDAP, and all types of centralized management systems.

Install and configure ansible on centos 7, what are its requirements?

We need an epel-release repository, git, python, pip, OpenSSL, and then ansible

Command to install ansible with its requirements

yum install epel-release && yum install git python-devel python-pip openssl ansible

Check the install of ansible and it will also show the path to its configuration and hosts file

ansible –version

Now edit the ansible configuration file

vim /etc/ansible/ansible.hosts
inventory = /etc/ansible/hosts
sudo_user=root #enabling the sudo permissions

Now edit the hosts file

vim /etc/ansible/hosts
mv hosts hosts.original

Create a new host file

vim hosts


Create a new user for ansible

useradd ansible

Authenticate user with password

passwd ansible

Give user permission as sudo user.

How to give sudo permission too any user.


For centos


For ubuntu


Ansible SSH connection should be setup through key exchange if use ansible through password then its not possible to work with password because every time connection will break.

su – ansible
ssh-cop-id [email protected]
ssh-cop-id [email protected]

Check the hosts file again

cat /etc/ansible/hosts

Now we will run ansible commands with its options and will test our clients system

ansible all -a “ls -al /home/ansible”
ansible all -m ping

Now there is one scenario , How to run command with sudo privilages
Answer is Use option -s (run command with sudo permission)

ansible all -s -a “cat /var/log/messages”

How to run command for single user

ansible username -s -a “cat /var/log/messages”
ansible localhost -s -a “cat /var/log/messages”


How to copy file using copy module

ansible centos -m copy -a “src=test.txt dest=/tmp/test.txt”

How to install packages using ansible

ansible centos -m yum -a “name=elinks state=latest”
ansible centos -s -m yum -a “name=elinks state=latest”

How to remove and install package

ansible centos -s -m yum -a “name=elinks state=absent”

How to create user in ansible

ansible centos -m user -a “name=test”

How to remove user using ansible

ansible centos -m user -a “name=test state=absent”

Important Links

Ansible official page.

Create user in Linux

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