How to switch to GUI in Linux
Graphical Terminal Linux
How to install GUI in Centos 7 Linux using terminal commands?
How to upgrade your system from the terminal view to GUI in Centos 7 using the command line?
Switch your user to the root user so that we can start the installation with all permissions
The first command will be the installation command, in which we will be installing all the necessary packages for GUI.
yum groupinstall “GNOME Desktop” -y
Now after the installation, we need to change the default target (“”) to This means whenever we will be starting our system the default display will be graphical.
systemctl get-default
systemctl set-default
systemctl get-default
Now we can check the graphical view by restarting the system
init 6
How to change view temporarily from TUI to GUI or From GUI to TUI. Use below command
From GUI to TUI
systemctl isolate
From TUI to GUI
systemctl isolate
Command to remove GUI. Example – your system or server becomes too heavy with GUI and need only TUI then you can easily remove GUI.
yum groupremove “GNOME Desktop”
Conclusion :
Linux is the freedom and it provides you with the full freedom to customise your system and server according to your requirements.