Tagged: linux command

INSTALL MAGENTO 2 ON CENTOS 7 | ecommerce website development 0

Install magento 2 on cent

Install magento 2 and configure magento 2 with php7 on Centos 7 First of all, we need to know the requirements to install the Magento 2 on the Centos 7 server. So that it...

create user in MySQL using terminal 0

How to create user in MySQL using terminal?

How to create user in MySQL using terminal? Note :- need to edit commands where “techouse” is mentioned. How to change the password of existing user in mysql ALTER USER ‘techouse’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘MyNewPass’;...

Use git on centos 7 2

How to Use git on centos 7

Use git on centos 7 How to push all changes in gitlab, GitHub, bitbucket using git command line git add . Commit changes with messages so that changes can be identified easily git commit...