Category: self study



PALPABLE(adj): something that is easily perceived, recognized, or felt. Synonyms– perceptible, observable, noticeable, evident, obvious, clear, apparent Antonyms– intangible, abstract, imperceptible, insubstantial, hidden, impalpable, invisible, indiscernible, incorporeal Sentence usage – Determined efforts are essential...



INDEFATIGABLE(adj): never giving up or getting tired of doing something. Synonyms- Inexhaustible, tireless, unflagging, untiring, weariless, energetic, active, conscientious Antonyms- exhaustible, weary, lethargic, fatigued, tired, sluggish, drained Sentence usage- The Techouse Library offers an...

Tips to help you stay focused 2 0

Tips to help you stay focused

Focusing on studies can be challenging, but with the right strategies and mindset, you can improve your concentration and productivity. Here are some tips to help you stay focused: Remember that staying focused on...

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